Broker Check

Portfolio Risk Analysis Tool

Understand Your Risk

Chicago Wealth Management Group has implemented Riskalyze, an award-winning risk alignment platform, which mathematically pinpoints a client’s Risk Number® and equips advisors to empower fearless investors.

Built on a Nobel Prize-winning framework, Riskalyze quantifies the semantics of the financial advice industry, replacing confusing and subjective terms like “moderately conservative” and “moderately aggressive” with the Risk Number, a number between 1 and 99 that pinpoints a client’s exact comfort zone for downside risk and potential upside gain. Advisors then build an investment portfolio to match the client’s Risk Number and chart a clearly defined path to the client’s goals.  Chicago Wealth Management Group takes it one step further by using a combination of your Risk Number and other risk tools from our broker dealer, Morningstar and other sources.

Please watch the video below to see how this works:

Get your Risk Number (click here)

Understand the Risk You Are Taking


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