Broker Check

Open a 529 Account - Thank You!

Thank You!

Your 529 Account Opening submission has been received.

We will now:

  1. Review the information for completeness.
  2. Put together a recommendation for which 529 plan(s) we think you should use based on your and the child's state of residence, tax implications, the amount to be invested and several other factors. 
  3. Put together a college savings needs analysis based on the college information you entered above.
  4. Call you to review and agree upon the 529 plan(s) recommendation and the college savings needs analysis and to complete any missing information.
  5. Fill out all required forms.
  6. Send the forms to you via UPS for your signature with a return UPS envelope.
  7. Upon receiving the signed forms we will process the account opening through our broker dealer and the appropriate 529 plan(s).
  8. We will monitor that your account is setup and funded and call you when it is.
  9. One month after your account has been funded we will setup your own personal financial website which you can login to any time to see how you are tracking toward your college funding goals.
  10. We will monitor your account on an ongoing basis and contact you if need be.
  11. We will contact you in a year to setup an annual review meeting.