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Caring For Someone With Alzheimer's - A Financial Planning Guide

Caring For Someone With Alzheimer's - A Financial Planning Guide

| September 28, 2016

More than 15 million Americans are caring for an individual living with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia. Caregivers play many roles, such as housekeeper, nurse, hygienist, cook, pharmacist, friend and many others. Perhaps the most important, and often overlooked, role is finance director.

Within each of Alzheimer’s three basic stages, mild, moderate and severe, there are steps you can be taking to responsibly manage your loved one’s finances.  Download The Caregiver’s Guide to Financial Planning in the Age of Dementia (Click Here) provided by TransAmerica, which outlines these steps and provides additional information, such as:

  • How to create a financial plan
  • Tips to manage stress
  • Available resources for support

Being a caregiver can be overwhelming, but remember you are not alone. Using tools, like this guide, and reaching out to a financial planner can help you prepare and navigate through this difficult time.

Please call us at 630-873-3577 if we can help in any way.